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inutile's books

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Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 4 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

"Climate fatalism is a performative contradiction. It does not passively reflect a certain distribution of probabilities but actively affirms it – or, with McKinnon, ‘it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy: that which is repeatedly asserted to be impossible can thereby become impossible’. The more people who tell us that a radical reorientation is ‘scarcely imaginable’, the less imaginable it will be."

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 97)

Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 4 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

"On the climate question, this attitude breeds the certainty ‘that the problem is us’ – struggle would be possible if an enemy could be identified, but ‘global warming offers no apprehensible foe’, no one to fight, only the ceaselessly sinning culprit that is ‘ourselves’. And since this self cannot even bring himself to put the paper cups in the right bin, doomed we are."

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 93)

Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 4 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

"John Lanchester. It begins:

It is strange and striking that climate change activists have not committed any acts of terrorism. After all, terrorism is for the individual by far the modern world’s most effective form of political action, and climate change is an issue about which people feel just as strongly as about, say, animal rights. This is especially noticeable when you bear in mind the ease of things like blowing up petrol stations, or vandalising SUVs."

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 12 - 13)

Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 4 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

"‘None of these attacks’, one scholar of the MK asserts, ‘came close to bringing down the state, but they provided physical evidence of a tangible potential threat to the regime – reinforcing the sense, as Nadine Gordimer put it, that “something out there” represented a shadowy threat to the long-term future of white supremacy.’ "

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 51)

Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 4 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

"At this level of abstraction, the analogy with slavery does have some pertinence, as Maxine Burkett has suggested – enslaved people were also productive forces, used in a tremendously destructive fashion, embodying gigantic capital that had to be liquidated. Moreover, as climate scientist-cum-activist James Hansen has argued, fossil fuels, like slavery, cannot be the object of compromises; no one would consider reducing slavery by 40 per cent or 60 per cent. All of it must go."

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 41)

Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 4 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

"The bloodletting in the slave revolts and the US civil war, the militancy of the suffragettes, Gandhi’s devotion to the imperial army, the armed protection and radical flank of the civil rights movement, the Spear of the Nation – this is all in the public domain. And yet strategic pacifism adduces these sequences of struggle to admonish the climate movement against any aberration from non-violence. It is a mixture of cant and forgery."

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 40)