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Mattia Monga's books
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Mattia Monga rated M.: Il figlio del secolo: 4 stars
M.: Il figlio del secolo by Antonio Scurati (Il romanzo di Mussolini, #1)
Lui è come una bestia: sente il tempo che viene. Lo fiuta. E quel che fiuta è un'Italia sfinita, stanca …
Mattia Monga rated Ore giapponesi: 4 stars
Ore giapponesi by Fosco Maraini (Exploits)
Mattia Monga rated Waking, dreaming, being: 4 stars
Mattia Monga rated Gödel's proof: 4 stars
Mattia Monga rated The C++ programming language: 4 stars
The C++ programming language by Bjarne Stroustrup
The C++ Programming tome, written by the father of C++ himself, Bjarne Stroustrup. The premier book on the subject of …
Mattia Monga rated Operating system concepts: 3 stars
Operating system concepts by Abraham Silberschatz
Keep pace with the fast–developing world of operating systems Open–source operating systems, virtual machines, and clustered computing are among the …
Mattia Monga rated The C Programming Language: 4 stars
The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
The C Programming Language (sometimes termed K&R, after its authors' initials) is a computer programming book written by Brian Kernighan …
Mattia Monga rated The early history of God: 2 stars
The early history of God by Mark S. Smith (The Biblical resource series)
Mattia Monga rated Una cultura è meglio di due: 4 stars
Mattia Monga rated Fortune's Formula: 2 stars
Fortune's Formula by William Poundstone
This book is about Kelly's criterion developed in 1956 by two scientists (John Kelly Jr. and Claude Shannon) at Bell …
Mattia Monga rated Without Buddha I could not be a christian: 4 stars
Mattia Monga rated Why Buddhism Is True: 4 stars
Lo Zen e l'arte della manutenzione della motocicletta by Robert M. Pirsig
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values is a book by Robert M. Pirsig first published …
Mattia Monga rated Buddha: 4 stars
Buddha by Karen Armstrong (A Penguin life)
"Karen Armstrong's portrait of the Buddha explores both the archetypal religious icon and Buddha the man. Armstrong follows the Buddha …