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Mattia Monga's books
2025 Reading Goal
8% complete! Mattia Monga has read 1 of 12 books.
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Mattia Monga rated Fooled by Randomness: 5 stars
Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
"[Taleb is] Wall Street's principal dissident. . . . [Fooled By Randomness] is to conventional Wall Street wisdom approximately what …
Mattia Monga rated An Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic: 5 stars
Mattia Monga rated La legge sovrana: 5 stars
La legge sovrana by Massimo Cacciari (Ricerche / Centro studi La permanenza del classico -- 11)
Mattia Monga rated Comandante ad Auschwitz: 4 stars
Comandante ad Auschwitz by Rudolf Höss (Einaudi Tascabili -- 488. Saggi)
Mattia Monga rated Il padiglione d'oro: 4 stars
Il padiglione d'oro by 三島由紀夫
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (金閣寺, Kinkaku-ji) is a novel by the Japanese author Yukio Mishima. It was published …
Mattia Monga rated Il generale Della Rovere: 5 stars
Il generale Della Rovere by Indro Montanelli (BUR)
Mattia Monga rated Storia di Roma: 4 stars
Storia di Roma by Indro Montanelli (Supersaggi -- 5)
Mattia Monga rated Il senso di smilla per la neve.: 4 stars
Mattia Monga rated The Hacker Ethic: 5 stars
The Hacker Ethic by Pekka Himanen
The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age is a book released in 2001, and written by Pekka …
Mattia Monga rated e: The Story of a Number: 4 stars
e: The Story of a Number by Eli Maor
The interest earned on a bank account, the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower, and the shape of the Gateway …
Mattia Monga rated L'impero bonsai: 4 stars
L'impero bonsai by Indro Montanelli (Montanelli giornalista)
Mattia Monga rated Esercizi di stile: 4 stars
Esercizi di stile by Raymond Queneau (Gli Struzzi, #282)
Un episodio di vita quotidiana, di sconcertante banalità, e novantanove variazioni sul tema, in cui la storia viene ridetta mettendo …
Mattia Monga rated Anche le formiche nel loro piccolo s'incazzano: 4 stars
Mattia Monga rated Open sources: 4 stars
Open sources by Linus Torvalds, Larry Wall, Richard Stallman, and 14 others
Freely available source code, with contributions from thousands of programmers around the world: this is the spirit of the software …