User Profile


Joined 2 years, 3 months ago

Sono Americano e il mio Italiano é molto fuori di pratica. Studiavo per un anno al'Universitá di Bologna più di venti cinque anni fa. Italo Calvino é il mio autore Italiano favorito. Oh, wait, seems like a fairly international crowd here.

Over on Mastodon, I'm: I'm not sure how to connect this thing to that thing.

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Alex's books

Currently Reading

Dana Milbank: Destructionists (Hardcover, 2022, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group) 4 stars

In 1994, more than 300 Republicans under the command of obstructionist and rabble-rouser Congressman Newt …

To have it all in one place

4 stars

I'm old enough to have lived through all of the history presented in this book, which begins—more or less—with the Gingrich revolution of '94. It is illuminating to have all of this put together into a single narrative with the cast of villains getting more dangerous and more unhinged over time. If anyone wants an anti-dote to both sides-ism, this would be it. The GOP over the past 30 years has been... probably worse than you thought.

Content warning Spoilery review. Dark, striking, fantasy.