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The skies of Chile’s Atacama Desert, renowned as the darkest and clearest of the world, are now at risk from an industrial megaproject.

Electricity company AES Andes proposed to locate a large-scale industrial complex just a few kilometres away from our Paranal Observatory. If constructed, the resulting dust emissions, increased atmospheric turbulence, and especially light , would irreparably impact the capabilities for astronomical observation.

We urge the involved parties, specifically AES Andes, to work with the Government of to relocate this megaproject to a zone compatible with industrial development without jeopardising the skies of Paranal.

Read more: https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso2501/?lang

📷 ESO/P. Horálek

In , in the , the Muki¹ is known as a small creature, with no neck, a long a beard, and eyes as shiny as the precious metals they seek underground.
Miners often see their tools and hear weird noises in the galleries. If treated with respect, the Muki can help to find precious gems.

Also in , in , miners are often guided by the Knockers², creatures often believed to be mischievous… but the secret is always to respect them. They truly appreciate small gifts, and they can also save miners' lives.

¹ https://subterramineria.cl/leyenda-del-muki/
² https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knocker_(folklore)

Isabel Allende: La casa de los espíritus (Spanish language, 2010, Debolsillo) 4 stars

4ª ed.

Mi primera lectua de Isabel Allende

5 stars

Se nota claramente la influencia de "100 años de Soledad" de Gabriel García Márquez en este libro. Eso para mi es algo muy bueno, considerando que el de García Márquez es uno de mis libros favoritos de la vida. En la parte de "realismo" del realismo mágico, siendo latinoamericano y particularmente chileno, uno se siente identificado con una realidad existió y que aún existe. Formas de pensar y de vivir, y los terribles acontecimientos ocurridos durante la dictadura cívico-militar. "La Casa de Los Espíritus" no alcanza a estar al nivel de la gran obra de Marquez, pero creo que está solo un pequeño peldaño por debajo.

#IsabelAllende #RealismoMágico #Chile

You can watch "Nae Pasaran!" free for the next couple of days, use the code NUNCAMAS. Scottish workers at the Rolls Royce factory in EK refused to service/repair Hawker Hunter jet engines and hid them, ruining the Chilean dictatorship's air power. The workers received the highest honour for non-Chilean citizens, the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins. It's a great doc, really touching and emotional.


< Mi rivolgo all’uomo del Cile, all’operaio, al contadino, all’intellettuale, a quelli che saranno perseguitati, perché nel nostro paese il fascismo ha fatto la sua comparsa già da qualche tempo; negli attentati terroristi, facendo saltare i ponti, tagliando le linee ferroviarie, distruggendo gli oleodotti e i gasdotti, nel silenzio di coloro che avevano l’obbligo di procedere.Erano d’accordo.
La storia li giudicherà. >

11.09.1973 🌹

(ultimo discorso alla radio)

Many newcomers due to what's happening in The Bad Place, so here's another . Hi! I'm an astronomer and science communicator at the European Southern Observatory.

Below is a pic from my previous "office" at ESO's Paranal Observatory in . I now work full time as Media Officer at ESO's HQ in .

I mostly post about and

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