Reviews and Comments
EN: Marketer & marketing instructor with IT background. I love to read, learn, and discover new tools & technologies. After many years in Silicon Valley, I now live in the Italian Alps, my ideal MTB and trail-running place!
IT: Mi occupo di Digital Marketing come consulente e ho un background e una laurea da informatica. Mi piace leggere, scoprire e provare nuove tecnologie, e strumenti. Dopo anni passati in Silicon Valley, vivo in Valtellina, il luogo ideale per MTB e trail running.
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folini rated The Theory That Would Not Die: 4 stars
The Theory That Would Not Die by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
Bayes' rule appears to be a straightforward, one-line theorem: by updating our initial beliefs with objective new information, we get …
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# (Robert C. Martin Series) by Robert C. Martin, Micah Martin
This is the eBook version of the printed book.With the award-winning book Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices, Robert …
folini rated Dei delitti e delle pene: 5 stars
folini rated Paradox of Evolution: 2 stars
folini rated Café Neandertal: 4 stars
Café Neandertal by Beebe Bahrami
"Centered in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, one of Europe's most concentrated regions for Neandertal and early modern human …
folini rated Knowledge of Angels: 5 stars
folini rated The myth of human supremacy: 3 stars
The myth of human supremacy by Derrick Jensen
"One of America's leading and most passionate environmentalists dismantles the myth of human superiority. In this impassioned polemic, radical environmental …
folini rated Vocabolario dialettale di Chiuro e Castionetto: 5 stars
Vocabolario dialettale di Chiuro e Castionetto by Tarcisio Della Ferrera (Dizionari dialettali -- 5)
folini rated Cannibalism: 5 stars
Cannibalism by Bill Schutt
"Eating one's own kind is completely natural behavior in thousands of species, including humans. Throughout history we have engaged in …
folini rated Why Evolution is True: 5 stars
folini rated The age of American unreason: 5 stars
The age of American unreason by Susan Jacoby
From the Publisher: A cultural history of the last forty years, The Age of American Unreason focuses on the convergence …
folini rated JavaScript: The Good Parts: 5 stars
JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford
JavaScript, having been developed and released in a hurry before it could be refined, has more than its share of …