Reviews and Comments
EN: Marketer & marketing instructor with IT background. I love to read, learn, and discover new tools & technologies. After many years in Silicon Valley, I now live in the Italian Alps, my ideal MTB and trail-running place!
IT: Mi occupo di Digital Marketing come consulente e ho un background e una laurea da informatica. Mi piace leggere, scoprire e provare nuove tecnologie, e strumenti. Dopo anni passati in Silicon Valley, vivo in Valtellina, il luogo ideale per MTB e trail running.
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folini rated Syndicating web sites with RSS feeds for dummies: 1 star
Syndicating web sites with RSS feeds for dummies by Ellen Finkelstein (--For dummies)
So you have a business and you have a Web site. Bravo! You're doing all the right things to be …
folini rated Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno: 4 stars
Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno by Italo Calvino (Einaudi tascabili -- 1001)
folini rated Conversazione in Sicilia: 4 stars
Conversazione in Sicilia by Elio Vittorini (BUR -- 670)
folini rated Search engine optimization: 2 stars
Search engine optimization by Jennifer Grappone, Gradiva Couzin
A guide to search engine optimization provides techniques for bringing traffic to a Web site.
folini rated Design Patterns: 4 stars
Design Patterns by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and 1 other
folini rated Stokes Beginner's Guide to Dragonflies: 3 stars
Stokes Beginner's Guide to Dragonflies by Blair Nikula, Jackie Sones, Donald Stokes, and 1 other
folini rated The Garden at Eichstatt (Icons): 4 stars
folini rated Reading Lolita in Tehran: 3 stars
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
Prof. Nafisi resigned from her job as professor of English Literature at a university in Tehran in 1995 due to …
folini rated The monkey in the mirror: 3 stars
The monkey in the mirror by Ian Tattersall
Ian Tattersall is widely regarded as one of the rare eminent scientists who is also a graceful and engaging writer. …
folini rated Istruzioni Di Volo Per Aquile E Polli: 1 star
folini rated The Trees of Golden Gate Park and San Francisco: 3 stars
The Trees of Golden Gate Park and San Francisco by Elizabeth McClintock, Richard G. Turner
A little more than a hundred years ago, the San Francisco landscape was mostly sand dunes, meadows, marshes, and rocky …