Sole nero

Paperback, 588 pages

Italiano language

Published May 16, 2023 by Mondadori.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

NELLA CITTÀ SACRA DI TOVA, il solstizio d’inverno è un momento di celebrazioni e rinnovamento, ma quest’anno coincide con un’eclissi di sole, un evento astronomico raro che i Sacerdoti del Sole vedono come una rottura dell’equilibrio globale.

Nel frattempo, una nave proveniente da una città lontana sta per arrivare a Tova proprio per il solstizio. La sua capitana, Xiala, una Teek caduta in disgrazia, ha il dono di un Canto in grado di placare le acque e sconvolgere le menti; trasporta un passeggero, Serapio, un giovane cieco, sfregiato, totalmente innocuo. Ma Xiala sa fin troppo bene che, di solito, quando un uomo è definito “innocuo”, finisce per diventare il malvagio della storia.

Animata da una serie di personaggi indimenticabili, l’avventura narrata da Rebecca Roanhorse esplora temi come la decadenza del potere, il peso della storia, la lotta degli individui contro le convenzioni sociali e le ferite del loro passato.

6 editions

reviewed Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse (Between Earth and Sky, #1)

remarkably well-executed

4 stars

I haven't read enough fantasy since I started reading again to say much that can't be disentangled from my reading experience. I will say: I found the characters interesting, their dynamics more so, and the backdrop of the meso-american inspired fantasy captivating. It was so compelling I finished in one sitting. As soon as the book club for this one wraps, I'm starting the sequel.

reviewed Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

Captivating story, engaging writing

5 stars

The character and world building in this book is phenomenal. I love that the author based a fantasy world on indigenous central american cultures and not medieval England (yawn).

I always appreciate a book that's got quality LGBTQ+ characters (both in terms of sexual attraction as well as gender identification).

The book got pretty intense and violent in parts, which is why I'm rating it 4 stars. Readers who don't mind that sort of stuff might appreciate it as a 5 star book. I'm not kidding when I say that the story and characters are really well done.

I finished this book last night and am excited to start the sequel tonight!

Richtig gute, epische Story

4 stars

… Punktabzug für das Cliffhanger-Ende. Dachte die Geschichte sei abgeschlossen, aber das „Ende“ ist kein so semi offenes, sondern richtig offen. Nunja, muss ich wohl auch das Sequel, „Fever Star“ hören. Was mich auch störte an dem nicht abgeschlossen Ende: Es fühlte sich an, als hätte die Autorin sich nicht getraut, bei manchen Charakteren eine Entscheidung zu treffen. Aber wir werden sehen, ich hoffe, dass ich falsch liege. :)

Was die Story angeht: Schönes Fantasy Setting wenn mich auch der arg symmetrische Aufbau (es gibt etwa genau 4 Clans und passend Stadtviertel und so) etwas irkt und zu sehr an Sentai Serien erinnert. Schön, dass queere Charaktere vorkommen und Neopronomen nicht hinterfragt werden. Nicht so toll fand ich, dass die meisten Protagonist_innen Auserwähle oder Royals sind, was mich immer sehr anöded. Ich erlebe lieber Geschichten von 0815 working class Charakteren und ohne Magie (jdf dann wenn nur Auserwählte diese nutzen …


  • Epic Fantasy
  • Fantasy
  • American literature